--[° suspect development international °]--------------------------------------- Üþ ßÛÜ ÛÜ þÜ Üþ ßÛÜ ÜÛß þÜ Üþ ßÛÜ Üþ ßÛÜ Üþ ßÛÜ þ ÝÛ² Û²Û Û þ ÝÛ²ÝÞ²Û þ þ ÝÛ² Ü ÝÛ² Ü ÝÛ² ß Ü ß Û²Û ÝÛÝ ß Ü ß Û²Û Ü ß Üß Ü ß ÛÛÜ ß ÛÛÜ e!ß ÛÜ Ü Û²Û ÝÛÛ ÛÜ Ü Û²Ûß ÛÜ Û²Û Û²Û Û²Û Û Û²Û ÝÛÛ Û²Û Û Û²Û Û²Û Ü Û²Û Ü Û²Û °Û²Û° ÝÛÛ°Û²Û° ÝÛÛ°Û²Û° ÝÛÛ°Û²Û° °° °°Û²Û° ÝÛÛ°Û²Û° ÝÛÛ°Û²Û° ÛÛ ÝÛÝ ÛÛ ÝÛÝ ÛÛ ÝÛÝ ÛÛ ÛÛ ÝÛÝ ÛÛ ÝÛÝ ÛÛ ß Üþß ß Üþß ß Üþß ßþÜ ß Üþß ß Üþß ßþÜ d a i l y t o r t u r e s --[° news °]-------------------------------------------------------------------- ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß ÜÛß þÜ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û Ü Þ²Û þ Û²Û Ü Û²Û Ü ß Û²Û ÛÝ ßßß ß Û²Û ÞÛ Û²Û ß Û²Û ² ²Û Û²Ü ß Ü ° °° ÛÛ° ° ÛÛ ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ² ²Û ÛÛ°° Û² °° ° ß ÞÛ ß Ü ÞÛ ßÜ Û ÛÝ ß Ü ÞÛ þß ßþß ßþß ßþß ° meet us at mekka 97 in germany! download the info meksym97.zip ° we welcome lost carrier as new sounder! ° ace aruu is online with his board super nashwan bbs ° we are in need of a vga painter! apply! ° spirit world runned by larry is now our ehq ° ace runned by gandalf is now our frenchhq ° we deleted some distsites/hq's couse we think they are offline?! ° our whq (ecto traxx) is now supporting 28.8/isdn! --[° members °]----------------------------------------------------------------- ÜÛßßÜþÜ ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛßßÜþÜ ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß þÜ Þ²Û Û þ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û Û þ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û þ Û²Û ² Ü Û²Û Ü ß Û²Û ² Ü Û²Û þß Û²Û Ü ß Û²Û Ü ß ßßß ß Û²Û ß ÞÛ Û²Û ß Û²Û ß ÞÛ Û²Û ß ßÜÜ Û²Û ß Û²Û ß Ü Û²Ü ß Ü ° °° ÛÛ° ° ÛÛ ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ° ÛÛ ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ°° Û² °° ° ß ÞÛ ß Ü ÞÛ ß ÞÛ ß Ü ÞÛ ß Ü ÞÛ ß ÞÛ ß Ü ÞÛ þß ßþß þß ßþß ßþß þß ßþß name activities country ° magus founder, coder, musican (hehe) germany ° e605 founder, musican, ansi, ascii, pr germany ° sound runner musican, coder germany ° atom ant ra, coder germany ° thunder ra germany ° srj vga, rip, ansi, 3d germany ° maniac coder germany ° rasputin coder germany ° mindsurfer musican germany ° angel member of honor germany ° ace aruu ppe germany ° lost carrier musican germany ° magus and e605 build also the famouse "cts brothers" a interactive & (not so) independence part of sdi ° we always search for cool guys to join! --[° rules °]------------------------------------------------------------------- ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß Ü ÜÛß ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß þÜ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û Þ² Þ²Û Þ²Û þ Þ²Û þ Û²Û Ü ß Û²Û Û² Û²Û Û²Û Ü ß ßßß ß Û²Û ß Ü Û²Û Û² Û²Û Û²Û ß Û²Ü ß Ü ° °° ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ°° Û² °° ° ß ÞÛ ß Ü Þ² ß Ü ÞÛ ß Ü ÞÛ ß Ü ÞÛ þß ßþß ßþß ßþß ßþß ° commercial online services it is not allowed to store sdi-files in an commercial online service (that means a bbs, computernet that wants money for their offers) without systems that offer the files for free (no costs for downloading,..) or the systems that only want money for their phonebill or new hardware for the service. ° commercial media services it isn't allowed to sell our products on floppy disk and backup media for a higher prize than the prize of the media. (if the storage of the media is larger than 300mb, then use the rule for CD-ROMs for this media) ° cd-rom it is only allowed to burn our products on cd-rom if the storage on the cd-rom is larger than 300mb and the cd-rom isn't more expensive as 25US$. ° exeptions exeptions for the upper rules can only be allowed to you with a written permission by one of our members ° copyright all products of sdi are copyrighted by their authors. ° distribution sites all sites have to get our file by themself. we can't offer you that we upload all files to your board. you can get the files where you want, but you have to contact e605 (or magus) every 2months, that we know that your board is still online. we accept only new hq's which are 24hours online and demo-art-sound oriented! ra oriented boards are only accept as dist-site! ° releases to obtain a full list with all our releases you have to contact e605 and ask for it. ° RESPECT COPYRIGHT - ENCOURAGE CREATIVITY --[° reach °]------------------------------------------------------------------- ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß Ü Þ²Û þ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û Þ² Û²Û Ü ß Û²Û Ü ß Û²Û Ü þÜ Û²Û ß Û²Û ÜþÛ² Û²Û ß Ü Û²Û ß Û²Ûß ÞÛ Û²Û Û²Ûß Û² ° °° ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ° ÛÛ ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ° Û² °° ° ß ÞÛ ß Ü ÞÛ ß ÞÛ ß Ü ÞÛ ß Þ² þß ßþß þß ßþß þß ° sites: status: name: number(nodes): sysop(team): whq ecto traxx +49-9504-678 (1) e605 & magus mb madbox +49-9126-279077 (1) maniac mb funtopia +49-331-618959 (1) mindsurfer * mb super nashwan bbs +49-911-588-2606 (1) ace aruu * ehq spirit world +49-89-32928640 (2) larry ghq shogunat +49-30-7217526 (5) cyz ahq the shoebox +43-1-8928-997 (5) reebok !! shq evolution +46-8-500-22544 (?) thor phq shark^whq +48-58-414745 (1) shark (22 - 06) * fhq ace +33-145888809 (4) gandalf chhq underworld +41-22-9600621 (3) synoptic bhq nocturna +32-16-650500 (1) freedom ds the flash bbs +49-561-584934 (1) mc-fuck ds the velocity bbs +49-40-6916187 (1) crusader ds the chaos engine +49-9561-871374 (3) the gamer & maverick ds the invaders +33-90667394 (1) spookie (22 - 06) ds shadow +49-6078-75377 (1) wendigo ds micro bbs +49-4921-979394 (2) eiki ds emperor's bbs +49-4541-898827 (1) lightning !! means that you should contact us or get deleted * means that the number has changed or new board ° snailmail: ° magus: ralf beier groáziegenfeld 3 96260 weismain germany voice: +49-911-7498422 (mo-fr) voice: +49-9504-652 (weekend) contact for commercial questions ° e605: lars beier groáziegenfeld 3 96260 weismain germany voice: +49-9504-652 +49-9504-674 (better;) contact for disk+230'er mod swapping, for sdi questions or just for fun ;) ° sound runner: sebastian rostalski hirschwechsel 5 29358 sandlingen germany contact for legal scene swapping ° networks: ° ftp & www : maybe soon ° raun : here are some files by sdi stored (area: sdi) ° if you wanna hatch out file in your net, ask e605 ° emails: ° e605: inet - e605@farpoint.fps.de ° magus: inet - unix169@ai.fh-nuernberg.de ° atom ant: inet - atomant@host.ccc.blitz.de ° ace aruu: inet - acearuu@megatec.de ° mindsurfer: inet - stephan.gebbers@t-online.de fido - 2:2410/210.10 ° maniac: inet - maniac@mail.megatec.de ° lost carrier: inet - losty@mail.megatec.de --[° remains °]----------------------------------------------------------------- ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛßßÜþÜ ÜÛß þÜ Ü ÜÛß þÜ ÜÛß þÜ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û Û þ Þ²Û þ ²ÛÜ Þ²Û þ Þ²Û þ Û²Û Ü ß Û²Û Ü ß Û²Û ² Ü Û²Û Ü þÜ ÜÜÜ Û²Û Ü ßßß ß Û²Û ß Ü Û²Û ß Û²Û ß ÞÛ Û²Ûß ÞÛ Û²Û Û²Û ÞÛ Û²Ü ß Ü ° °° ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ° Û² ÛÛ° ° ÛÛ ÛÛ° ° ÛÛ °Û²Û ÛÛ° ° ÛÛ ÛÛ°° Û² °° ° ß ÞÛ ß Ü ÞÛ ß ÞÛ ß ÞÛ ÛÛ ß ÞÛ ß Ü ÞÛ þß ßþß þß þß þß þß ßþß ° greetings: They'll fly out to following groups (no order): energetic þ 303 dimension þ terrabyte þ wildstyle blank þ surprise þ sega þ mistery þ gash þ ld þ ega triton þ requem þ nonsense þ rr þ novastorm þ hbe diabolic force þ sg þ hx þ zyklop þ jester þ venom amable þ phat þ funk þ kryst þ bomb20 þ cn þ orange magic art þ ue þ brainless coders þ fbk þ art þ fc klf þ kfmf þ sbr þ acid þ ice þ raven96 & allwe4got ° about sdi: We are not a group which will release other things than *.DMF, *.TXT, *.EXE, *.CFG, *.* ° history: Puhh.. that's too long to explain, the mostly important thing is, that we are exists... ° partys: ° party name [location]: mekka'96 [hamburg/germany] date: end of april'96 members which were there: sound-runner * competition: multichannel name [author]: don't touch it [sr] place (out of): 16 (30) comment: never release a bb/jungle at a party and advance payment suxx if you get ill ( und wieder 50,- in den sand gesetzt - magus&e605 ) ° party name [location]: summer encounter'96 [randers/denmark] date: end of july'96 members which were there: magus, e605 * competition: fast music name [author]: 3 strips rave [e!] place (out of): 8 (11) * competition: music name [author]: performing test's [e!] place (out of): 25 (27) comment: was a nice party (except the 1st day) my music competition was nearly played as last (7 o'clock in the morning), so everybody sleepd (after all compos was held after 2 o'clock). ° party name [location]: katholischer kongreá [hildesheim/germany] date: 12 - 15 september'96 members which were there: sound-runner comment: well organised ;) not bad if you can escape from school for some days ... [und so langweilig , wie es zu werden drohte , war es nun doch nicht :)] ° sdi on-tour - tourplan for the next months: 28. march.97 (sure!) mekka'97 [germany] ° hope to see you on some party's ---------------------------------------------------------------------[° end °]-